Casa Motocicleta Cascs i accessoris Viseres SHOEI C-49 Visera Avaluacions

Avaluacions de clients per a SHOEI C-49 Visera

SHOEI C-49 Visera
  • 59,95 €
    • disponible com a versió clara o tintada
    • Pinlock llest
    • fàcil de canviar

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* Camps obligatoris
Nombre d'avaluacions: 8
Avaluació mitjana: 4,5
1 Português 2 Suomi 1 Русский язык totes
Viseira não muito escura, mas faz o efeito de escuro para quem vê de fora... a noite pode-se torna escura caso tenha alguma dificuldade de visão!
Tuote oli sitä mitä piti olla
Tumma visiiri sopi kypärään täydellisesti.
Helppo asennus kun oli laadukasta tavaraa.
Nopea toimitus.
Vahva suositus tästä kaupasta.
It should be great, if it have pinlock
I have bought it 2 times from this shop.
And every time I recieved a C-49 VISOR for use ONLY WITH PINLOCK, but PINLOCK was not include.
So, I was need to order PINLOCKs separately from another shop.

FC-MOTO, plz, mark this info about compatibility with PINLOCK in product review.
super Visier, geht auch gut in der Nacht.
It should be great, if it have pinlock
I have bought it 2 times from this shop.
And every time I recieved a C-49 VISOR for use ONLY WITH PINLOCK, but PINLOCK was not include.
So, I was need to order PINLOCKs separately from another shop.

FC-MOTO, plz, mark this info about compatibility with PINLOCK in product review.