Casa Esports d'hivern Roba Pantalons Dainese HP2 P M1 Pantalons d'esquí Avaluacions

Avaluacions de clients per a Dainese HP2 P M1 Pantalons d'esquí

Dainese HP2 P M1 Pantalons d'esquí

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Nombre d'avaluacions: 12
Avaluació mitjana: 4,8
1 Deutsch 7 English 4 Italiano totes
Good design quality, also stretchable and waterproof perfect!
Skiing 2 times with this pants, feel great!
Schnitt und Material ist ausgezeichnet
i give this a 4 star rating
don`t misunderstand me, I`m a snowboarder and used these pants on a 3week mission in japan. the pants themselves are great they keep you warm & dry, but as a snowboarder there is some room for improvement especially with the (gaiters) they need to put in a lace hook, as having to walk through waist deep powder the gaiters tend to rise up over the boots.
Great ski pants!
Provato a fine stagione: Ottima tenuta, buona impermeabilizzazione. Giusta vestibilità (è possibile regolarlo in vita).
Prodotto molto tecnico buno anche la vestibilità
Super fit, super quality
Super nice skipants, and very easy and FAST delivery !