Casa Motocicleta Roba Guants Urbà Helstons Mora Guants de moto d'estiu Avaluacions

Avaluacions de clients per a Helstons Mora Guants de moto d'estiu

Helstons Mora Guants de moto d'estiu

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La seva opinió només es publicarà aquí, i ens ajudarà a millorar la qualitat dels articles que oferim.
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* Camps obligatoris
Nombre d'avaluacions: 5
Avaluació mitjana: 5
2 Deutsch 2 English 1 Português totes
As luvas icónicas Lestons, Vintage style, ideal for cafe racers and nostalgics from the 69's and 70's. High Quality and Ultra Comfortable.
I strongly recommend.
Top Qualität- Cooles Design
Sehr wertig und stilvoll. Fallen aber eher etwas klein aus.
When I ordered this product I didn't realize it was from Germany I needn't have worried it arrived in extremely quick time in fact better than some companies in the UK the Glovers were also excellent I will definitely order from FC mot in the future.
Bitte gleich eine Nummer größer bestellen. Handschuh machte im Herbst bei 12°C einen guten Eindruck. Bin aber nur im Trockenem unterwegs gewesen.
The vintage vibe :)
Awesome set of gloves that are vintage but suitable and protective.
No hard sliders but had wrist padding and semi hard knuckle protection.
The only drawback is only the index finger has conductive tips for smart phones, not the thumb.