Casa Motocicleta Botes Ciutat Revit Delta H2O Sabates de motocicleta Avaluacions

Avaluacions de clients per a Revit Delta H2O Sabates de motocicleta

Revit Delta H2O Sabates de motocicleta

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Nombre d'avaluacions: 13
Avaluació mitjana: 4,8
1 Deutsch 10 English 1 Português 1 Русский язык totes
Very good style and protection
I unfortunately had an accident on my motorbike the day I wore these, nothing to do with the shoes. I was just unlucky. These boot-trainers did a fantastic job of keeping me safe and protected and even with a few scuffs, some mud and grass stains they still looked really good when cleaned up. Overall I'm really impressed with these, their comfort and styling is great but their protection is worth the money.
wasn't sure if I needed these
but when I got them, I put them on, walked around the apartment, realized that I had to take a ride with the moto, and I will be honest, I have been wearing them for 2 weeks now, and I can't believe that you can feel as comfortable with these shoes as you can .
really respect rev'it for such a level of development, I have not worn anything better.
And of course thanks fc-moto for fast shipping and adorable price.
A light weight, yet solid shoe with ample protection and cushoning. Comfortable to wear off the bike. Sizing is accurate to charts.
Great shoes. Comfy and look like big trainers
Can wear with jeans day to day as they are stylish
Sehr gut
Die Schuhe sind sehr bequem und sehen richtig schön aus. Die Lieferung erfolgte schnell. Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit FCMOTO.
Muito satisfeito
Incredibly stylish and comfortable
I own a pair of Converse boot trainers which I love and have always wanted something that looks similar for riding my motorbike. These are perfect! Off the bike they look and feel like normal boot trainers, well insulated and well protected but still very comfortable. On the bike I still feel protected and rigid enough to feel safe. I can't fault them. Also I'm in the UK and the delivery from Germany was very fast and no import duties. I don't know if that's always the case or if I got lucky but I'm really happy. Finally I'm a size 9.5 in the UK so a 44 here. They fit perfectly!.
Comfortable, useful, safe and so beautiful that I felt like using it even when I'm not on a motorcycle. More than I expected. seems to be composed of durable materials and of excellent quality. Impeccable finishes.
Excellent protection comfortable fit with urban style.
Love this shoes sooooo much!!!
good looking but litle uncomfordable
was good but litle uncomfortable on the sides
Great shoes!
Super comfortable shoes that fit perfectly on my feet. The Ortholite insole is great addition. Much more comfortable than my Alpinestars Jam Air.
Just an advice - if you are wearing 43size normal shoes, go for 44 with the Revit Delta as they are a bit stiff.