Casa Motocicleta Roba Jaquetes Cuir Berik Street Jaqueta de pell de moto Avaluacions

Avaluacions de clients per a Berik Street Jaqueta de pell de moto

Berik Street Jaqueta de pell de moto

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* Camps obligatoris
Nombre d'avaluacions: 21
Avaluació mitjana: 4,8
4 Deutsch 11 English 1 Nederlands 1 Italiano 1 Português 1 Suomi 1 Český 1 日本の totes
Produto de otima qualidade
Produto de otima qualidade ,envio rapido , eu so que errei o tamanho pois eu esqueci que o tamanho japones e europeu é diferente. Pedi o nesmo tamanho que uso da berik japonesa 58 e ficou grande mais gostei muito so nao troquei pois para mandar para trocar sairia muito caro pois o envio seria por minha conta
Love this jacket
Received my jacket in 8 or 9 days. And I absolutely love it. Great fit and excellent quality. Will definitely be buying from FC MOTO again in the near future.
Come da orine, era tutto disponibile. In 4 giorni è arrivato a casa.
Ottimo sito
Die Jacke passt echt super und die Verarbeitung sieht auch sehr hochwertig aus. Bin voll zufrieden mit dem Preis Leistungs Verhaltnis
Very good
Very nice soft leather -
Good fit
Heavy Duty Jacket
Received this Berik jacket and it fits perfectly! Quality of materials is superb and it took about 8 business days to ship to California. Would recommend this jacket for the price! Very good bang for your buck!
Sehr schöne und qualitativ gute Jacke.
Leider sind bei mir die Ärmel zu lang und stören in Kombination mit Handschuhen. Das liegt aber daran das ich nicht sehr groß bin.
skvělá bunda do horkých letních dnů
Funguje jak má a nádherně větrá - akorát je nutné dokoupit chránič páteře. Celkově jsem velmi spokojen.
Prima Qualität wie gewohnt
5 stars for shipping and quality
This Berik Jacket has a very nice quality and style. Took about 5 business days to arrive in the US. Impress with the quality and fit with this leather and price is great. I'll definitely purchase in this store again!
Super Lederjacke
Angenehm zum tragen sehr gute Belüftung für heiße Tage bin sehr zufrieden mit diesem Produkt kann ich nur weiterempfehlen
Great Leather Jacket
Very nice leather jacket for the price and quick shipping to the US. Great style and fits perfectly! I'll be buying here in the future for my motorcycle gears!
This is definitely a 5 star product
This jacket is awesome. Very comfortable, has all the protection you need and the arms and shoulders move without any restrictions. Will recommend this jacket over and over!
Great jacket
I still cant beleive how good this jacket is for this price. Absolutely recomended.
Hihojen saumat hajosi heti
Takin nahka tuntuu aluksi todella jäykältä mutta muutaman käyttökerran jälkeen alkaa tuntua paremmalta päällä (tämä kai nahkatakkien ominaisuus). Takki tuntuu hengittävän hyvin jo pienissä ajonopeuksissa, joten sitä pysyyy pitämään myös kuumemmilla keleillä. Materiaalit tuntuu melko laadukkailta. Annan kuitenkin vain kaksi tähteä, koska hihan suiden ompeleet hajosivat jo parin käyttökerran jälkeen. Olen 183cm/75kg ja koko 54 on juuri sopiva.
Nice jacket very bright, good fit, I'm 186cm/98kg and 2XL fit perfect, very good for summer time very airy, definitely not recommend for a cold days. Highly recommend this product.
The fit is great, and I can tell that it is made with quality materials.
Very nice soft leather,perfect fit
188cm 75 kg size 52
Very good quality
I like the thickness and quality of this Berik leather jacket. Very good price point and loved the color combo. A bit stiff but I’m sure it will become flexible with normal use.