Casa Marques K Klim Motocicleta Pantalons Klim K Fifty 1 Pantalons texans motocicleta Avaluacions

Avaluacions de clients per a Klim K Fifty 1 Pantalons texans motocicleta

Klim K Fifty 1 Pantalons texans motocicleta

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Nombre d'avaluacions: 6
Avaluació mitjana: 4,2
1 Deutsch 4 English totes
Sehr schön.
Leider haben die Amerikaner andere Größen - ich musste die Hose zurück schicken.
great jeans that have great protection
These jeans runs a little big on waist get one size less
Good product
Haven't had to test it thankfully however it feels like it will protect you in case of a low side. Having said That, the legs are too baggy and I ended up sending them to a tailor to narrow them down! Knee protection should be longer and wider compared to the big sleeve they fit In! The price is a bit over rated to be honest
Top class
Fantastic trousers & armour. Riding jeans needed then look no further. Not cheap but quality product. Generous in size. I am about a 33 waist, 32 fits fine.
Good jeans but a bit loose!
Happy with the quality but size 34 would probably have been better than 36. However, some Jeans are far too tight on the leg , so overall very pleased. Could do with boot straps though!
Excellent armoured motorcycle jeans
Highs: very high quality, armoured, comfortable, well thought out, pockets, great intermediate protection for street riding. Good value / price ratio.

Sighs: really big boot cut, could be more slim or more traditional cut, kind of baggy, does not have straps to keep jean connected to boot to prevent riding up if sliding.