Casa Motocicleta Botes Ciutat SHIMA Edge Vented Sabates de moto Avaluacions

Avaluacions de clients per a SHIMA Edge Vented Sabates de moto

SHIMA Edge Vented Sabates de moto
  • ₩ 194.879
    ₩ 175.390
    Us estalvieu 10 %
    • Sistema H3 sense calor
    • Sistema de tancament de cordó de cordó de cordó ATOP
    • Costat interior del taló amb una adherència millorada

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* Camps obligatoris
Nombre d'avaluacions: 11
Avaluació mitjana: 4,9
5 English 1 Français 1 Español 2 Português 1 Český 1 Русский язык totes
Очень удобные, вентилируемые боты. Можно легко ходить весь день в офисе, ноги не устают. Про удобство шнуровки даже говорить не буду, это просто чудо!
Excellent quality and value
I only wore the Shimas for one ride, during which I crashed (as a result of my injuries, I'll never ride again). However, their fit was at once comfortable and compliant as it was firm and reassuring. I've owned pairs of riding shoes by other manufacturers, but if I was ever buying again, I return to this shoe.
Very goog
Very comfortable shoe,fast and convenient ,closing is
I love the shoes
It's very comfortable to walk around in. Good looking boot. Offers great protection. Very happy with the boots
Qualidade 5 Estrelas
Boa construção, mandei vir um número acima do que uso, quando se calçam inicialmente parecem largas mas assim que se apertam ficam perfeitas. Grande qualidade!!! E protecção muito boa! Sentimos o pé bem preso sem estar imovel.
Excelente Produto
Quality and stylish
For me the fit was true to size. The color is more orange than red.
Très bonne qualité
Bon produit ,agréable et efficace très belle finition il me reste à voir son efficacité sous la pluie
Mais je suis très satisfait de mon achat
Et me réjouis de l’utiliser en pleine saison
Narrow. The ATOP lacing system works fine, but is set too high, making it impossible to tighten the boot well. The mechanism must be lower, as on similar boots - SHIMA Exo Vented Motorcycle Shoes, otherwise the middle part of the shoe will "loose"