Casa Motocicleta Roba Guants Esportiu SHIMA STR-2 Guants de moto Avaluacions

Avaluacions de clients per a SHIMA STR-2 Guants de moto

SHIMA STR-2 Guants de moto
  • 89,99 €
    80,99 €
    Us estalvieu 10 %
    • Pell perforada
    • Perforacions entre els dits
    • Panells elàstics sobre palmell i dits

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* Camps obligatoris
Nombre d'avaluacions: 8
Avaluació mitjana: 4,6
2 English 3 Español 1 Português 1 中国 1 日本の totes
Great value for money
Great looking and robust gloves. The materials seem high grade as well as the construction. Very easy to put the only issue is the wrist belt that is slightly wider then the buckle making a bit harder to take the gloves off. The small which is usually a 7 in this case in slightly bigger (7.5).
5 Stars
These flavors are very comfortable and is made of great quality. For the price, highly recommended!
手指較長 不適合亞洲人
Muy buena calidad
自分は日本人でいつもLサイズのグローブを使用。同サイズでOKです。作りもいいです。APEX RSのブラック/ホワイト/ブルー に合うカラーが欲しいところですね。
Fits almost perfectly
This gloves very comfortable to ride with. The inner touch is smooth and cossie , and never get to sweat with them because of the air evacuation.
The downside of them is the stitches in the end of the fingers.
Un guante muy suave al contacto de gran calidad
Muy bueno y de alta calidad
Estupendo mucha calidad muy recomendable