Hlavní stránka Motocykl Helmy a doplňky Výklopné Shoei Neotec 3 Grasp Přilba Hodnocení

Hodnocení zákazníků pro položku Shoei Neotec 3 Grasp Přilba

Shoei Neotec 3 Grasp Přilba

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* Povinná pole
Počet hodnocení: 9
Průměrné hodnocení: 4,8
3 Deutsch 5 English 1 Český vše
Nice helmet, very comfortable
Have retired my Multitec helment and now have the Neotec 3 Grasp blue/white. Very comfortable, but will probably replace the visor with a tinted visor. Fitted with a Sena phone/intercom system..Nice
The lockable visor is fatally flawed. Can’t be operated by gloved hands. Just finished a two week ride with my new one and it was really irritating
Sehr sehr gut
Ich habe bereits Neotec 2 aber Neotec 3 ist noch besser. Ich trage nur die Neue.
Sehr guter Helm, entspricht voll den Erwartungen, Top Verarbeitung!!!
Für einen Klapphelm leise, sehr wertig verarbeitet!!!
Hervorragender Helm
Erfüllt alle beschrieben Vorgaben. Sehr gute Qualität. Hervorragende Sitzeigenschaften. Angenehm zu tragen. Gute Belüftung. Ruhiges Fahrverhalten auch bei schneller Geschwindigkeit. Helm ist sehr zu empfehlen!!
Beautiful helmet
Very comfortable, does not press anywhere, well made, well prepared for the intercom, good air permeability in the helmet.
so far excellent
it isn't riding season here yet so I haven't had a chance to try the helmet.
However I own a SHOEI full face helmet and if the neotec 3 is anything like it, it is money well spent.
This is my second Shoei helmet. My first Shoei was a full face, GT-Air 2. The fit is spot on. I enjoy the modular feature and really like the fact the chin bar stays in place when raised. And the price was excellent.
Great fit, great colour/pattern
Bought as there was no size XXL in New Zealand, took a punt and bought one from FC Moto. Arrived in great condition and well packed. Great fit. Would probably prefer a tinted visor instead of a clear visor + the tinted internal up/down visor - but can fit that later. Fits me so well!!