Startside Merker L Lenz Varmt, tørt og hygiene Lenz Lithium Pack rcB 1800 Bluetooth + 1.0 Dame Varmes vest Vurderinger

Kundevurderinger for Lenz Lithium Pack rcB 1800 Bluetooth + 1.0 Dame Varmes vest

Lenz Lithium Pack rcB 1800 Bluetooth + 1.0 Dame Varmes vest
  • kr 3 063,80
    kr 2 756,50
    Du sparer 10 %
    • pustende kvinner vest med 2 varmeelementer i nyre og ryggområdet
    • maksimal komfort samt mobilitet takket være 4-veis stretch og svært elastiske sømmer
    • passer under klær takket være minimumsvolum

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* Påkrevde felter
Antall vurderinger: 4
Gjennomsnittsvurdering: 5
4 English alt
Excellent, game changer.
This vest is wonderful, with or without down on top of it, it warms quickly and keeps me warm. It allows me to stay still outside without freezing, which allows me to enjoy the woods for longer.
The vest runs small. I ordered a small, and it of ok, but snug. I have 36 inch chest. I’m 67 inches tall and weigh 130 lbs. anyone bigger than that should start with the medium.
The battery does not last as long as advertised, but that’s ok because using the intermittent setting or lower heat setting is sufficient, and extends battery life considerably.
Ordering from FC moto was great. Excellent communication and support.
Excellent vest.
Good quality vest. Nice, form-fitting cut for women. Heating zones can get very warm. Heat controlled by an app which is very convenient.
I’ve used it twice skiing so far and love it. It kept me warm and is not bulky under my ski jacket. For the first time ever, my husband said he was cold and I was still warm! I have their heated socks too and love them. I highly recommend. And if you want to have the vest or socks on high heat all day, then you can carry an extra pair of batteries in your pocket as they are not bulky either.
Fits great, is comfortable, and warms up quickly. I love it.