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Оценка покупателей для Oxford Rainseal Брюки

Oxford Rainseal Брюки
  • 2 523,93руб.
    2 145,39руб.
    Вы сохранили 15 %
    • Отражающей области
    • Регулируемый манжет
    • Регулируемая липучка талии

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Product prima allen broek die tegroot was terug gestuurd en op heden nog steeds mijn geld niet terug gehad jammer genoeg
Passt wie angegossn alles ok
Качество нормальное. С размерами не понятно.
Я ношу Alpinstars брюки 40. Куртку XL. Купил XL брюки и мне кажется, что они велики. Мерил на экипировку для эндуро. По качеству, с виду ок.
L был бы лучше точно. Брать на размер меньше, скорее всего.
Продавать буду в Москве на Авито.
buena calidad
las tallas pense que eran mas chicas pero son realmente como dicen
Molto comodo
Pantaloni comodi rifiniti bene e davvero impermeabili.... ottimo acquisto!!
Bem confecionado e parecem ser de boa qualidade
Ainda não pude usar tempo suficiente para dizer se é realmente um bom produto mas parece até hoje ser umas calças que além de parecerem de boa qualidade fazem o que lhe compete, mas como disse ainda não as utilizei tempo suficiente para puder afirmar com certeza que são, mas possivelmente compraria outra vez (custo/beneficio), e até conselho para quem quer gastar pouco dinheiro e queira ter algo com qualidade quanto baste
I pantaloni sono molto comodi e ben fatti, fino ad ora hanno dimostrato una buona impermeabilità, vestono grande, nella fase di acquisto non comprate una misura troppo grande
Good pants
I find the price performance great. it's a great pant, takes not much space in panniers and it is easy to put on. Maybe it could be a bit slimmer in heaps.
Für den Preis absolut ok
Macht was sie soll - hält trocken... und sehr warm da absolut wasserdicht. Selbst das Schwitzwasser kommt nicht wieder raus 😉
Solamente muy básico
bon produit
je l'ai acheté pour mon mari.très bien taillé, ne l'a pas encore essayer sous la pluie
Short legs - but very dry!
After two hours in pouring rain and highway speeds I was still bone dry under the pants - they hold the water out without a doubt. Oxford claims that you should order your regular size for pants since they compensated for the bulk of MC protective wear and I totally agree on that regarding the width of the pants.
HOWEVER, the legs are too short, it's like the people at Oxford didn't remember that the bulk of MC clothing also makes you need longer pant-legs. On top of that the riding position on a bike (with your legs folded) makes the pant-legs move UP, requiring even longer pant-legs.
I am writing the people at Oxford about this as well, mentioning that they need to add 10-15cm (4-6") to the length of the pant-legs.
I ride with high boots (Dainese R TRQ-Tour) and if I'm not VERY careful the pant-legs will move up ABOVE my boots...
Die Hose ist super funktional sie passt optimal über die Hose
Die Hose zu diesem Preis ist eigentlich unglaublich.
Sehr funktional und dazu noch gut aussehend.
Ok für Preis
Gross geschnitten, muss also nicht eine Nummer grösser gekauft werden wenn man Hose darunter anziehen will
Rennes- Bréhal aujourd'hui (environ 110 kms) sous une pluie battante ininterrompue, premier essai du pantalon, ça tombe bien (??). Le pantalon a tenu, aucune infiltration d'eau, mon cuir en dessous était sec à l'arrivée. Pour cette première expérience, c'est très concluant.
sehr gute und effektive Regenhose
Great at keeping you dry but wierd fit
The pants does exactly what it was made for, keeping you dry in the rain. I have ridden multiple times in pouring rain with this and it always kept me dry, even when i drove for ~2 hours in 10mm/h rain.

The size reflects that of the size guide quite well in terms of width. In terms of fit Oxford made the pants quite unusual. The legs are much to shorts (barely reach my ankles when standing and pull up even higher when in riding position), the front bulges (especially when riding), the back doesn't go high enough (goes over the buttocks but when riding in the rain i would like it to go higher).

It is quite easy to get this on or off even when standing next to the road. The zippers help make it this easy. the bottom elastic and velcro cause the pants to pull upward.

All in all decent rain pants but wish Oxford changed the fit.
super zum Anziehen, etwas schwer vom Gewicht aber bei dem Preis absolut o.k.
Hält dicht, passt und lässt sich problemlos an- und ausziehen. Absolut in Ordnung
boa qualidade
As calças são mesmo impermeáveis, fáceis de vestir sobre as calças normais e mesmo com bastante chuva mantêm a impermeabilidade. Práticas e funcionais, recomendo.
Покупал 5xl на русский 66-68, по приезду сразу примерил на экип и остался очень доволен так как сел просто идеально. Производителем сразу заложен запас в места где может быть защита( плечи,руки,колени,голень) на мне не парусит и сидит просто превосходно( Брал вместе с курткой этой же фирмы)