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Оценка покупателей для Caberg Ghost Rusty Шлем

Caberg Ghost Rusty Шлем
  • 25 694,86руб.
    21 840,47руб.
    Вы сохранили 15 %
    • Шлем может быть преобразован в 4 версии
    • Откидывающийся маска в области передней
    • Маска, запертым в сложить условие

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Число оценок: 10
Усредненная оценка: 4,3
4 Deutsch 2 English 1 Français 1 Svenska 1 Русский язык 1 日本の все
Отличный внешний вид. Удобный. Недостаточно крепкая нижняя часть
Доволен покупкой
Для города удобный
Sehr guter Helm
Verarbeitung sehr gut. Leichter Helm. "Rusty" wollte ich - sieht wirklich super aus! Umbaumöglichkeiten sehr gut. Preis etwas hoch - darum 1 Stern weniger. Insgesamt: Kaufempfehlung
Super Teil, passt wie angegossen
Mycket bra super nöjd!!!
Ok for the money
This helmet isn't expensive, so I guess you get what you pay for.
Nice looking design but feels cheap and doesnt have enough padding. I can actually feel the hard parts of the helmet pressing against the side of my head. Should be ok for the odd hour here and there but wouldn't wear it on a long journey.
Très satisfait.
Le casque répond à mes attentes, je l'utilise aussi l'hiver. Le vent pénètre à l'intérieur mais très peu et ce casque reste pratique et confortable, la partie visière se relève très facilement.
Je recommande ce casque.
Sehr guter Helm
Super Helm , passt wie angegossen!
Super Helm
Good but not perfect
I'm rating this helmet against a Bell open face and an older Caberg Downtown helmet, I only wear open face.
The helmet is a snugger fit than the old one but the sizing seems correct. The chin strap mechanism is a more secure design but is fiddly to get used to. With the face visor down the peripheral view is restricted, similar to a full face. With the visor down it isn't fully sealed around the helmet and air gets through onto the forehead, so when it's cold there's an icy blast. I haven't ridden any long distances yet so it hasn't been a problem. As I'm unlikely to be doing high winter mileage it's probable that I'll be able to live with this.