Casa Marcas A AGV GT Veloce AGV Veloce S Predatore casco Evaluaciones

Evaluaciones de clientes para AGV Veloce S Predatore casco

AGV Veloce S Predatore casco
  • 549,95 €
    439,90 €
    Se ahorra 20 %
    • Gracias a este deporte modelo de AGV, características de alto rendimiento suelen encontradas en un casco de carreras están disponibles en un empaque calle. La construcción de shell es una mezcla de carbono, aramida y fibra de vidrio, y el nuevo interior está diseñado para proporcionar un ajuste estable, abrazar, ressure-libre.


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Número de evaluaciones: 4
Evaluación media: 4,8
3 English 1 Русский язык todas
Excellent fit. Comfortable.

A very good purchase.
I'm very satisfied with this purchase.
According to my experience Agv Veloce S Predatore helmet seems to be a high end product, which offers extremely good value for money (high quality product, five star safety in SHARP test, purchase price 220 € including shipment). I strongly recommend this helmet.
Good helmet with a poor visor...
I bought the helmet at a discount for about 305€ and at that price it's a solid choice. My head is around 57cm wide and the M/S fits me well (A bit small).

+ Very light and comfortable overall.
+ Lots of ventilation that actually works.
+ Liner is easy to remove.
+ A pinlock shield is included and works well with the visor.
+ The visor provides an excelent field of view in all directions.
+ The visor lock is two stage so you can crack it open a bit to help with airflow.

- The visor only has an open and closed position (No mid stops).
- The visor mechanism feels flimsy when open and easily closes if you shake your head even a bit.
- The visor is so large that the helmet feels like a greenhouse when it's sunny. I will get a tinted one for sure.
- The unlock button for the visor is hard to find with gloves on. I personally removed the lock bar from the visor since I don't ride on tracks.

Overall the helmet is very comfortable and somewhat quiet (Not amazingly), but the visor is just terrible. I would give it 3.5 stars if I could, just for that visor design.
Отличный шлем.
Отличный шлем! 5 звезд в Шарпе. Купил по акции со скидкой 30%. Понравилось качество отделки. Сидит очень четко, но не давит нигде уши не болят. Регулировки подкладки "заячьи уши нет". Отверстия вентиляции закрыты сетками - мусор не попадет. Визор фиксируется на "микропроветривании", ветром открыть не может. Пинлок в комплекте. Санвизора нет, но шлем за счет этого легче, а сам санвизор был бы пожизненно пыльным, лучше с собой очки взять.