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Kundevurderinger for Spidi 4Season H2Out Motorsykkel tekstil jakke

Spidi 4Season H2Out Motorsykkel tekstil jakke

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Antall vurderinger: 12
Gjennomsnittsvurdering: 4,5
1 Deutsch 7 English 2 Français 1 Český 1 中国 alt
perfect product
best jacket so far, great ventilation during hot weather, very good cold protection, very nice design
Great quality built Jacket
Very comfortable and the ventilation is second to none
Really like this jacket
veste de grande qualité
Comme d'habitude avec Spidi, pas de mauvaises surprises, étanche, chaud, et parfaitement modulable avec ses couches amovibles. Attention seulement à la coupe "prête" du corps qui caractérise les tailles de la oui, les italiens doivent être fins!
Très bon produit technique et bien fini
Produit bien fini doublure efficace taille un peu petit cependant
It's perfect..
Superschöne Jacke, wegen des Wetters leider noch nicht in der Praxis getestet.
Die Jacke ist supergut verarbeitet, leider bin ich mit der Jacke witterungsbedingt noch nicht gefahren. Leider gint es bei FC - Moto die passende Hose nicht im Programm, die musste ich wo anders bestellen.
Im FC - Moto Webshop funktioniert meine Kreditkarte nicht (sonst überall) das interessiert aber bei FC - Moto niemenden.
Auf meine Reklamation hin kommt nur eine Standartmail.
Great jacket, extremely comfortable, rode in 34deg today in Queensland Australia very humid & the jacket breathes well, I went one size larger than I normally wear & glad I did, fits very well with all layers in & adjustable enough to fit well with layers removed.
A well designed product .
Fantastic Jacket.
This jacket breathes very well with all the linings out and vents open . If you have the H2 Out liner in during warm to hot weather it doesn't breathe as well as gore tex ,but then you pay a lot more for that type of liner .
I haven't ridden in the rain yet to test the H2 Out liner's waterproofing .Great high collar on this liner .
There was a very small tear in one of the adjusting straps near some stitching on my jacket which would have been seen if checked before delivery overseas .
Great Jacket ,would recommend to anyone.
Upsize to a size bigger than you usually wear ie L to an XL
Perfect choice
Good quality, perfect match. The new materials are more comfortable and provide better protection against rough weather. Tested between +10 and -5 Celsius. The weak point was my trousers not the jacket, so I am happy to suggest it to anybody. You will be satisfied. Thank you FC-Moto :)
Perfect fit, comfortable
Looks good and is well ventilated but weird design and poor protection holds it back
I bought this product about 2 weeks ago and crashed it one day later.
The jacket looks great. If you care about looks just buy it.
You can't get more air through, in any other jacket, unless you get the Dainese D explorer.
Warmth: with all the liners in and vents closed this makes for a good winter jacket if you wanted to. Also the Thermal layer could be used as a destination layer easily.

Protection: here's where it screws up. The back protector has no dedicated pocket. It sits based on 2 VELCRO strips and a bit of a half pocket in the upper part of the jacket. Major slip risk. The shoulder and elbow protectors as just level 1.
There is no zipper to tie it to your pants, just 2 straps you can wear trough your crotch which is weird to me.

As stated at the beginning i high-sided off the bike the second day after I bought it. Speed was somewhere between 40-50 kmh.
My shoulder got banged up quite badly and could only use it sparingly. The jacket didnt prevent the skin on my belly from being scuffed off a bit since i didn't use the straps which gave me a superficial open wound.

However, there was no skin damage on my shoulder which was the first part of me that landed. Additionally I did not break anything despite the pain.
The jacket sustained minimal damage and looks safe to wear again.
If you decide to go for this jacket a back-protector with its own strap would be better suited. Otherwise it is a nice choice of gear.