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Оценка покупателей для TCX Ikasu Air Мотоциклетные ботинки

TCX Ikasu Air Мотоциклетные ботинки
  • 2 149,14 kr
    1 909,86 kr
    Вы сохранили 11 %
    • Верхний в дышащий ткани и замшевой кожи
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    • Мидсол с хвостовиком «PLATE», чтобы оптимизировать гибкость передней панели и поперечную жесткость

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Число оценок: 12
Усредненная оценка: 4,9
2 Deutsch 7 English 1 Français 1 Svenska 1 한국의 все
Super Sommerschuhe
Schnelle Lieferung, guter Preis, Größe wie erwartet, passt wie angegossen, cooler Look.
Auf jeden Fall empfehlenswert, weil ein leichter, luftiger Sommer Boot.
Very nice
Light , easy to put on and off. A bit stiff for all day wearing. Good air flow once you pass 20km per hour

I was hoping to be able to wear all day but I do not think that is possible as if it protects must be stiffer I guess lol. They are comfortable
Ziemlich genau, was ich gesucht hatte
Für Touren bei hohen sommerlichen Temperaturen, wo in den Pausen auch mit den Schuhen etwas spazieren gehen leicht fallen sollte für Besichtigungen hatte ich extra was gesucht mit den Eigenschaften "Reißverschluss", "luftig", "nicht schwarz", "nicht zu schwer, aber noch ein gewisser Grundschutz vorhanden". Ich habe alle Anbieter am Markt durchforstet und die Ausbeute war sehr gering. Letztendlich bin ich bei diesen Schuhen gelandet und sehr zufrieden (4,5 Sterne habe ich auf 5 aufgerundet). Ich habe eigentlich Schuhgröße 43, musste hier aber 44 nehmen, weil der Reißverschluss sonst nicht zu ging.
Great riding boots
Excellent fit, the zipper is very convenient for putting it on quickly and the overall style is great. The shoe provides a good grip as well, I got the black Color one.
Light weight, style, comfortable. My regular size 43, order 44.
Rejäla, bekväma skor som verkar ha god kvalitet, dock något varmare än jag förväntade mig. Å andra sidan har det varit mycket varmt och jag har inga jämförelsedata från andra skor.
Good summer shoes
I needed new shoes for warmer weather (up and above 20°C when sun is out). They fill this purpose great. They start to cool your feet when you ride with real good air flow and when you stop and start to walk you can easily zip down the front zipper to get air into the shoes. Walking with them all zipped up is a bit stale, but works for shorter walks.

I found the shoes true in size and can recomend them easily.

Good service from FC moto who sent them in 1 weeks time.
캐주얼 디자인이라
어떤 의류에도 잘어울립니다.
A good boots brand
I usually take number 42 for TCX boots but this style are a bit tight. Maybe I shall take 43 instead. Anyway, its a trustable brand. Tks.
Fits great, super comfy
I really wanted to have a good riding shoes with zipper. A comfy one, not super armed shoes just a little function of protection with comfy shoes for short city riding. This is a perfect one.
Good product
Feels really good and comfortable.
Can’t say anything about durability yet.
Looks good too.
Good airflow, I wouldn’t do a track day with them but for around town and a little bit of highway they are perfect for me, especially in the Israeli summer.
Very good
Very good
Comfortable for every day riding and walking
Good breathability.