Startseite Motorrad Bekleidung Regenbekleidung Jacken Revit Rain Smock Barrier Regenjacke Bewertungen

Kundenbewertungen zu Revit Rain Smock Barrier Regenjacke

Revit Rain Smock Barrier Regenjacke
  • £110,54
    Sie sparen 10 %
    • Oberstoff: PWR ripstop 2,5L
    • Laminierte Reflektoren für mehr Sichtbarkeit
    • Wasserdichtigkeit & Atmungsaktivität: hydratex®|Lite

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Anzahl der Bewertungen: 5
Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4,8
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Ocupa muy poco sitio con lo que lo puedes llevar en cualquier parte. La talla se ajusta perfectamente. Muy contento con el producto.
Light easy to carry rain protection
Light easy to carry rain protection

I’m impressed how this very light and thin garment is so resistant. The first times I had to put it on, I was expecting it to tear apart. It held really very well. It easy to dress it even with your helmet and gloves on over the (bulky) riding jacked.
It is 100% waterproof and creates a impenetrable wall against water and wind. This means you will get warm as well. It is also easy to take off.
It very compact and if you have relatively larger pocket, you can carry it in a jacket pocket.

There are a couple of trade-off. There are no pockets and it is hard to access the pockets of the jack it underneath. It helps with water and wind proffing but you always have to open all the zips to access your pockets of the jacket underneath.
I don’t find the cap useful except when you are off the bike. It can catch wind when you are riding and turn your head to the side.
After time it starts getting a yellowish color.

I recommended it as a spring and fall (even colder summer days) rain protection carry on for the days you expect some showers.
muy util..
comodo..util y ocupa muy poco espacio
muy util..
util, comodo y ocupa muy poco espacio
Super Produkt
Eine leichte, gute Regenjacke, die vor allem im Kragenbereich nicht so aufträgt und man den Kopf noch bequem drehen kann