Startseite Motorrad Stiefel Touring Revit Expedition GTX Motorrad Stiefel Bewertungen

Kundenbewertungen zu Revit Expedition GTX Motorrad Stiefel

Revit Expedition GTX Motorrad Stiefel
  • 8.119,31 kr
    6.901,51 kr
    Sie sparen 15 %
    • Oberstoff: Nubuck, Omega-Leder, Microfaser und Superfabric®
    • Boa® Seilverschlusssystem und Boa® M4 Platform
    • 3D Netz Futter

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Anzahl der Bewertungen: 5
Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4,6
4 English 1 Español alle
Worth of every penny
Unbeatable price and service from FC MOTO and extraordinary design and quality from REV'IT. I ordered US size 9.5 (EU size 43) and the boots fit perfectly with great mobility and comfort. Fast delivery to USA
Excelentes botas
Las botas son excelentes, mucha protección, cómodas y tienen excelente tracción también. Serian mejor aún si se pudiera reemplazar la suela cuando se desgaste y la punta parece casquillo, hay un pie en el que me molesta y no se puede hacer nada porque es rígida. También es importante considerar que no son para meterse a agua profunda. La bota impermeable es corta
The descibed features and benefits match the product perfectly perfectly.
Currently riding through France and UK and the boots are totally dry, fit like a glove from day one (size 42 was exact).
So easy to get on and off and reasonably flexible to walk around in, given their level of protection.
well made, comfortable
I've never worn better things
great looks good and has exelent functionalty
very comfortable , the design is well engineered to fit the function , and the use of the rider.
you don't need to break the boot like other brands it is ready to use.