Startseite Motorrad Taschen / Rucksäcke Rucksäcke Revit Arid 9L H2O Rucksack Bewertungen

Kundenbewertungen zu Revit Arid 9L H2O Rucksack

Revit Arid 9L H2O Rucksack
  • ₩ 243.485
    ₩ 219.084
    Sie sparen 10 %
    • einstellbarer Hüftgürtel
    • einstellbarer Riemen
    • Quadloc-Lite™ Gurtsystem

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Anzahl der Bewertungen: 5
Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4,8
2 English 1 Nederlands 2 Italiano alle
Good product , just to small
I would buy it for sport biking or hiking , I needed it for motor (sport) and when I use a backpack I always take some stuff extra so I changed it for the 22L REVIT ( Revit Load 22L H2O Rugzak ) and that was my perfect fit ( for the small stuff I use the hump
Perfetto soprattutto la professionalità
A great backpack.
I was looking for a small sporty-ish styled backpack and this fit the bill, perfectly.
It is VERY similar to its Kriega counterpart (the Kriega Trail 9 Motorcycle Backpack). This is entirely because the Revit Arid 9L H2O Backpack was designed in direct collaboration between Rev'it and Kriega, and even carries the "Kriega" logo beside the Rev'it logo. Personally, with regard to the small stylistic differences between the 2 backpacks, I preferred this Rev'it version, but this is simply a matter of personal taste.
This backpack is designed to carry a hydration pack, but this is not ncessary - it works just as well as a normal (albeit smaller) backpack for holding the rider's phone, wallet, keys, water-bottle, snacks, etc. The front storage compartment has a waterproof liner, which will be ideal for riders concerned about their phone in the event of rain or a leak in the hydration pack.
I definitely recommend this backpack.
very good and heavy duty backpack
Since I bought it in winter, I can't say anything about my practical experience yet. But it looks very good and durable.
But as a marketing person, I think it's a shame that there is no information on the use of Cordura on the product pages. There is only information on the use of polyester and polyamide. But I believe I bought a good product.