Startseite Motorrad Motorrad Protektoren Westen Rukka Kastor 2.0 Protektor Bewertungen

Kundenbewertungen zu Rukka Kastor 2.0 Protektor

Rukka Kastor 2.0 Protektor
  • 249,95 €
    139,95 €
    Sie sparen 26 %
    • Brust- und Rückenprotektor
    • Stretch Cordura Schale Gewebe
    • Outlast® Futter mit Temperaturregelung

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Anzahl der Bewertungen: 10
Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4,6
1 Deutsch 6 English 1 Español 1 Suomi 1 中国 alle
Nice, but why only L1 on chest?
Good extra security to have under your jacket.
Plenty room around the arm.
Qualiy feels good.

If you have a broken collar bone, this west will NOT be a problem.
Others have a zip placed on the collar bone.

Why is the back plate Level 2 but the chest plate only Level 1 ??
Other wests have Level 2 everywhere at a lower price.
erittäin hyvä
mukava päällä ja ei hiosta. ei haittaa ajamista millään lailla ja antaa hyvän suojan rintakehälle sekä selkärangalle.
55 years old, 190 lbs, 44" chest, long arms and legs, shorter body. Large size fit perfectly, not too tight, not too loose. Put this under the size 54 Rukka Armaxion jacket and fits well with the thermal lining in place. Took this out on a 25C day and had no problem staying cool so long as I was moving. Got a little warm when stopped for short periods, but cooled right down again after moving for a few minutes. I had looked at the Cepa and Kastor original, but when I saw this I was willing to pay and wait for the full back protector that is in the Kastor 2.0. I think the Rukka gear is everything they said it would be. Very happy with purchase. I could forgo signing my will for a couple weeks knowing this was between me and whatever the road threw at me.
Es un chaleco comodisimo y de gran calidad.Resulta muy fácil poner y quitar. No molesta nada cuando vas en la moto.
Sehr gut zu tragen.
Ich trage die Weste sogar mit den Protektoren in der Jacke und es stört nicht. Leider vorne nur Level 1 und ich würde mir einen besseren Schutz der unteren Rippen wünschen. Bis jetzt echt Super.
Comfortable with feeling of added security
I am 6ft 2" with 44 " chest. Chose size L which fits well. Quite hot when worn on summers day. Yet to try in winter. Happy with it so far
excellent essential kit
Very comfy protector that zips to trousers meaning you can use different jackets - and far easier to remove and carry that hard protection.

I went down a size for my second Rukka jacket after my first was a bit bigger than expected - fit for this though was spot on without going down a size
Its a nice piece but sizing can be tricky
I am 5'9 and 180lbs, 42-44" chest and Rukka stuff is usually a size down in jackets for me but I was caught off guard with the sizing of this piece. I originally ordered a size medium but it was borderline too small. It fit bit a bit tight. If your of a slim built then it might work for you otherwise got for a size like most other jackets, a size large looks to be the right size for me in this product.
xs still not very tight, 172cm maybe i'm too thin, but it's good
very good...