Startseite Marken T TCX TCX X-Five Plus Gore-Tex Stiefel Bewertungen

Kundenbewertungen zu TCX X-Five Plus Gore-Tex Stiefel

TCX X-Five Plus Gore-Tex Stiefel

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* Pflichtfelder
Anzahl der Bewertungen: 6
Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4,8
All good
Very good
Completely waterproof.
Works well both in cold and warm conditions.
Suitable for wide feet.
Quite stiff sole, makes a supporting and relaxed feeling when touring, but not so good for walking.
I'm size 45 on all TCX boots and size 45 is the same for me in this model, and the fit is no problem at all.
Very nice boots, a little bit stiffer than my previous TCX Explorer 3 Gore-Tex Boots buts thats ok.
Tics all the boxes. Good value for your money.
Works as adevrtised
Got into a tropical rainstorm on my first trip out with the boots and it was great. No water seeped through and my feet were nice and dry.

The soles are very grippy even on wet surfaces. As the boot is cut high, walking around it appears bit stiff. I would give it 5 stars if only it was more "breathable"

The boots fit a bit smaller than normal from what I can figure. I am usually a size 44 but I got a size 45 and it's still pretty snug fit. So do pay attention when ordering.