Startseite Motorrad Damenbekleidung Stiefel Sidi Gavia Gore-Tex Lei Damen Tourenstiefel Bewertungen

Kundenbewertungen zu Sidi Gavia Gore-Tex Lei Damen Tourenstiefel

Sidi Gavia Gore-Tex Lei Damen Tourenstiefel

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Anzahl der Bewertungen: 8
Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4,8
1 Deutsch 4 English 1 Français 1 Português 1 polski alle
Apparently it's perfect. Let's see in the rain.
Very good! SIDI products have good quality
Loves it
Loving the gore-tex lining
My feet feel so dry and fresh inside the boots
Size wise it was not different from my other euro size shoes
Yessssh it was worth the wait :)
Great pair of boots
Had a pair of SIDI boots previously which was a bit loose and not exactly the right fit, so decided to get one size smaller for this new pair.
Glad that I made the right decision as the sizing is accurate and it fits perfectly.
Will need to see how it holds up in the rain.
I like it very much
He got a black classic and bought dark boots
It's easy to get tired if it's too black, but the gold label and heart-shaped red points are really cool
It is good because it is not inconvenient to hold the ankle and walk with flexibility of the ankle part
It's a very nice product
I strongly recommend
Great boots
Great fit, good looks. They have room for calves with a bit of muscle, and size guide accurate. Surprisingly springy soles and a good bit of lift. I do find the placement of the shift protector tends to make my feet a little crampy but hopefully I get used to them or they wear in a bit. Really flexible at the ankle, makes shifting on a sports bike a lot easier. Not sure what else you could ask for.
Sehr gut
Sehr gute Passform und Top-Qualität.
La taille correspond et suis très satisfait de la qualité du produit.
Bardzo dobre i wygodne buty.