Startseite Motorrad Bekleidung Handschuhe Street Five Kansas Motorradhandschuhe Bewertungen

Kundenbewertungen zu Five Kansas Motorradhandschuhe

Five Kansas Motorradhandschuhe
  • ¥570,06
    Sie sparen 10 %
    • vollnarbiges Ziegenleder
    • PU-Knöchelprotektoren mit Lederüberzug
    • doppeltes Material an der Handinnenfläche und am kleinen Finger

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Anzahl der Bewertungen: 8
Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4,4
7 English 1 Español alle
Had a pair of FIVE gloves before, were extremely comfortable,
Bought this pair because I already knew my FIVE size (XL).
These XL gloves are a bit too big on me, also they are not as comfortable as I expected, yet I've only worn them once,
beautiful gloves though... Love the looks. They also tuck nicely into my jacket.
Great cafe--racer gloves.
Another great pair of Five gloves. The Kansas gloves are an excellent choice for those looking for a vintage cafe-racer style.

These gloves are high quality. But, they're a little tight, so maybe consider choosing a larger size. Also, the zipper on the back is almost entirely decorative, and quite difficult to close.
Good value, very stylish
I really like the look and feel of this glove, the 3-star rating is only because the advertised touchscreen functionality absolutely does not work for me, I tried multiple devices and can't get them to ever detect my finger at all.
"Muy cómodos"
Guantes muy cómodos. el único problema es que el tinte tiñe las palmas de las manos, pero espero que eso disminuya con el paso del tiempo.
Great gloves
Size is accurate. Touch pad works with my iPhone. Material is very comfortable leather would like to be a bit thicker.
If the thumb also have touch-screen will be better.
Love them. Fits like a glove😋, also they look fantastic
Took one size up, as an xl for 24cm, and that's it. Beautiful, no mistake here.
Great cafe-racer gloves
Yet another excellent pair of gloves from the reliable Five brand.

While they are comfortable and functional, the stand-out feature of the Five Kansas gloves is their striking cafe-racer styling. The zip that dominates the back of the glove/hand raises the aesthetic to a whole new level.

Warning for potential buyers, Five makes TWO versions of the Kansas glove - a water-proof (WP) version for Winter, and a lighter and more functional version for Summer. FC-Moto are selling the lighter Summer version.