Startseite Motorrad Stiefel Enduro / MX Gaerne SG-12 Limited Edition Motocross Stiefel Bewertungen

Kundenbewertungen zu Gaerne SG-12 Limited Edition Motocross Stiefel

Gaerne SG-12 Limited Edition Motocross Stiefel
  • 559,90 €
    476,00 €
    Sie sparen 15 %
    • Größen: 41 - 49
    • leichte Schnallen aus Aluminium
    • Gripschutz (außergewöhnlicher Grip des Bikes sowie hitzebeständige Polsterung am Innenbein)

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Anzahl der Bewertungen: 9
Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4,8
5 English 1 Français 2 Русский язык alle
Great very good my 3rd one alrady
Experience is very good
meilleure bottes du marché .
Качественный и безопасный
Full protection - RTW adventure ride choice
Spent a lot of time deciding on these GAERNE SG-12 replacement boots for my SIDI Gortex Adventure's which don't offer enough protection - they are quite (ballerina) narrow as if humans have poited feet in the centre WTF and i had to go up 2 sizes to cater for the WIDTH of my feet which are wedge shaped. my toes being wider than the rest of my feet and my big toe is the longest - growing up in hot climates i seldom ever wear shoes -
not sure the Italians have natural feet as they wear shoes from a young age and have distorted feet "pointy" feet as a result. Also these will be for RTW trip to provide full-house protection and my main feedback for buyers is there is no provision for ventilation in hot weather - it's very weird becuase SIDI road boots have a slot vent - but the people at GAERNE obviously never road anywhere hot for more than 10mins of MX - my tips for the next version SG-13 is add vents - and make the shape less pointy.
디자인하며 기능또한 출중하다고 생각한다
gerne sg-12 는 명품이다
사람들이 추천하는 이유가 있는 법
그렇게 난 부츠를 구매했다!
great off road boots
The size is correct, I wear EUR44 for sports boots and size 45 for off-road boots, The activity performance of the joints are very good, especially when I press the brake pedal, it feels very clear,
great pair of boots.
디자인도 마음에 들고, 기능도 마음에 든다.
나는 경험이 많지 않아서 오프부츠에 대해 잘 모른다.
게르니 부츠를 처음 신어보는 라이더로서의 평가는 이렇다.