Startseite Marken A AGV GT Veloce AGV Veloce S Predatore Helm Bewertungen

Kundenbewertungen zu AGV Veloce S Predatore Helm

AGV Veloce S Predatore Helm
  • 13.516,13 Kč
    10.811,43 Kč
    Sie sparen 20 %
    • Dank dieses erstklassigen Sportmodells von AGV kann von den High-Performance-Eigenschaften, die üblicherweise einen Rennhelm kennzeichnen, jetzt auch in Form eines straßenfreundlichen Packages profitiert werden.


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Anzahl der Bewertungen: 4
Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4,8
3 English 1 Русский язык alle
Excellent fit. Comfortable.

A very good purchase.
I'm very satisfied with this purchase.
According to my experience Agv Veloce S Predatore helmet seems to be a high end product, which offers extremely good value for money (high quality product, five star safety in SHARP test, purchase price 220 € including shipment). I strongly recommend this helmet.
Good helmet with a poor visor...
I bought the helmet at a discount for about 305€ and at that price it's a solid choice. My head is around 57cm wide and the M/S fits me well (A bit small).

+ Very light and comfortable overall.
+ Lots of ventilation that actually works.
+ Liner is easy to remove.
+ A pinlock shield is included and works well with the visor.
+ The visor provides an excelent field of view in all directions.
+ The visor lock is two stage so you can crack it open a bit to help with airflow.

- The visor only has an open and closed position (No mid stops).
- The visor mechanism feels flimsy when open and easily closes if you shake your head even a bit.
- The visor is so large that the helmet feels like a greenhouse when it's sunny. I will get a tinted one for sure.
- The unlock button for the visor is hard to find with gloves on. I personally removed the lock bar from the visor since I don't ride on tracks.

Overall the helmet is very comfortable and somewhat quiet (Not amazingly), but the visor is just terrible. I would give it 3.5 stars if I could, just for that visor design.
Отличный шлем.
Отличный шлем! 5 звезд в Шарпе. Купил по акции со скидкой 30%. Понравилось качество отделки. Сидит очень четко, но не давит нигде уши не болят. Регулировки подкладки "заячьи уши нет". Отверстия вентиляции закрыты сетками - мусор не попадет. Визор фиксируется на "микропроветривании", ветром открыть не может. Пинлок в комплекте. Санвизора нет, но шлем за счет этого легче, а сам санвизор был бы пожизненно пыльным, лучше с собой очки взять.