Startseite Motorrad Bekleidung Airbags Alpinestars Tech-Air Race-e Airbag Weste Bewertungen

Kundenbewertungen zu Alpinestars Tech-Air Race-e Airbag Weste

Alpinestars Tech-Air Race-e Airbag Weste
  • 1.099,00 €
    • ergonomisch geformtes Airbag-System mit Performance-Fit bietet umfassenden Schutz für den Oberkörper
    • ist kompatibel mit einer Vielzahl von Alpinestars Renn-/Performance-Lederkombis und -Jacken
    • eingebettete elektronische Airbag-Steuereinheit (ACU) mit robustem, leichtem, ergonomischem Rückenprotektor aus Polymer (Level 2 geprüft und optimiert für Rennstrecke und Straße)

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Anzahl der Bewertungen: 5
Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4
2 Deutsch 3 English alle
worth the money from what i can tell
purchased with the gp pro suit, nice safety feature if you have the money.
the registering of the airbag is more complicated as the dealer has to do it, but when I contacted the alpinestars support they were able to do it for me.
Almost excelent product
I purchased the Tech-Air Race airbag sytem along with the Alpinestars GP Tech V2 Tech-Air.
The combination is quite heavy (8.5 Kg total for size 58) and I would go one size up (60) for extra comfort.
I had an accident on the track a few months back and had two vertabrates fractured one on my neck and one lower down my back so I wanted the extra safety of the airbag because I can't afford any further injuries like that. I opted for Alpinestars instead of Dainese due to the fact that it offers greater protection area and can be used twice before I have to send it back for service, plus I can use the airbag on the road and not only for the track.

Why I don't give 5/5?
Reason 1: The local dealer here in Greece doesn't import the airbag system and that's fine with me, what's not fine is that they don't provide any kind of support (their excuse is that since they don't sell it, they cannot provide any support to it), so in case of a service (regular or accident) I need to figure out how and where to ship it to...

Reason 2:
Registration of the airbag system is quite a pain. Created an account on Alpinestar's portal but that's not enough. In order for the airbag system to appear available on your account, the seller/retailer has to register it for you. I didn't know that, so I contacted Alpinestarts first via email on their support account. Never heard back from them. So after a couple of weeks I contacted them via their Facebook page where they responded within 24 hours and informed me that I had to contact the seller (which is FC-Moto) so I did via the contact form on Friday and waiting for an answer. Hopefully it will be shorted out without any further delays and most importantly before I have to send it back for a repair in case of an accident.
No support from A-stars
Tried to reach Alpinestars support many times without any success. After 3 months there is still no chassis on my account in data portal of Alpinestars so I cannot change firmware from race to street. Keep in mind that you buy only vest, no additional support.
Using this for 2 years now (race use).
No issues, 4 crashes, shot twice - thus only when necessary when crash is high speed.
Not so convenient with the service, local dealer does not recharge. Thus have to send it to nearest country when service is available. Despite that, great protection highly recommended for track use.
Alles was zur eigenen Sicherheit beiträgt, ist jeden Cent wert!
Ich bin 1,85 m groß und 78 kg schwer. Die Weste und die dazu passende Jacke sind in Größe L und passen perfekt. Die Weste wurde einen Tag nach meiner Bestellung bei Alpinestars registriert. Sehr freundlicher und schneller Kunden Support von FC Moto. Wenn es ginge, gäbe es von mir 1000 Sterne!