Startseite Marken K Klim Motorrad Hosen Klim Badlands Pro Hose Bewertungen

Kundenbewertungen zu Klim Badlands Pro Hose

Klim Badlands Pro Hose
  • 3.100,10 zł
    1.505,53 zł
    Sie sparen 51 %
  • Klim Badlands Serie repräsentiert das aktuellste Design und verbindet beste Passform mit den ausgereiftesten Materialen, die derzeit für Motrradbekleidung zur Verfügung stehen.

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Anzahl der Bewertungen: 7
Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4,7
So far so good
Following a trip to Norway with older gore-tex gear that leaked I decided it was time for an upgrade. I looked at many products having never heard of Klim until recently.
The reviews were overall very good and importantly appeared based on genuine extended experience rather than the recycled marketing twaddle with the product having been on the market unchanged for 4 years I think.
So I took the plunge and I am impressed. It is large but leaves space for layers of insulation. Despite its weight the kidney belt is genuinely a brilliant design feature and the armour does not need upgrading which does come into the price of many rivals.
Only downside are zips that are a little stiff (but they appear waterproof).
Great pants
I got exactly what I wanted. If anything I think the fit over the thighs are a little bit to loose. As stated before the build quality is excellent. I completed with the Klim suspenders to keep the pants from dropping. I may need to get some warmer pants under during the cold months.
Tolle Hose!
Nach Rukka, nun diese Hose.
Klasse Verarbeitung, durchdachte Details und seeehr bequem.
Es ist allerdings so, dass der Schnitt einem gefallen muss.
Am Besten ist es die Hose mit Hosentraegern zu tragen.
allerdings war FC-Moto seit nunmehr 2 Monaten nicht i.d. Lage die KLIM-Hosentraeger zu liefern-obwohl im Angebot.
Excellent Built & Quality
Heavy duty pants for heavy duty job.
Excellent stitch works with heavy duty material in all the right spots.
True to size if you follow the american sizing chart.
Due to the weight of the pants it keeps dropping off the waist the suspenders resolve that issue easily.

Overall good product and would recommend.
Very good pants, outstanding quality
Probably the best pants money can buy. The only negative is sizing. You should order pants with 4" larger waist that your jeans size. On the positive side the waist can easily be made smaller by means of the adjustable velcro straps that are sewn on. Ordinary leg lenght is a little on the short side when you are seated on your bike.
The best pants I´ve ever owned
Awesomely awesome!
This pair of pants is a state of the art. Sizes are accurate. The material are high quality, the only very small thing is that the knee protectors feel a bit too small... but maybe it's just me. I highly recommend.