Startseite Motorrad Motorrad Protektoren Brust Leatt 5.5 Pro HD Brustprotektor Bewertungen

Kundenbewertungen zu Leatt 5.5 Pro HD Brustprotektor

Leatt 5.5 Pro HD Brustprotektor
  • 299,00 €
    209,95 €
    Sie sparen 30 %
    • HD- Heavy Duty bedeutet maximalen Schutz
    • Brust- Rücken- Schulter- und Flankenschutz
    • Multi Layer und Multi Platten Design

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Anzahl der Bewertungen: 10
Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4,4
3 English 1 Español 1 Русский язык alle
Отличная черепаха
Подбирал по размерной сетке указанной на сайте, подошло в размер.
Good product but a bit expensive
Chest, Back and side protection are amazing. You get full upper body protection and supper comfortable. The only problem with it are the shoulder guards, I had to sew the straps in the position I wanted them because they want hold, but apart from that it's a great product, all do it could be slightly cheaper because at around 260 euros you'r still missing the elbow guards, when you add those to the prize it will be over 300 euros.
fast deliver~~~~y
nice packing
great quality
There is no fault.
Liett is always right.
I have nothing more to say.
a highly recommended product. good day.
Very good protection
Its a bit heavy but it offers very high protection for MTB
Its very comfortable
Buena calidad
Excelente protección y con un peso equilibrado
Las hombreras son una mierda, no es el de la foto, es el modelo nuevo que no se sujetan las hombreras.
ottimo prodotto
Le caratteristiche della descrizione corrispondono a verità...ottimo prodotto...era quello che desideravo...una pettorina se vogliamo non proprio leggerissima ma trasmette fin da subito sicurezza e protezione
non si muove durante l uso e dopo poco che l hai idossata non ti accorgi più di averla....forse manca un pò di protezione sulla parte alta della spalla
very good!
great protection
great protection - had a few crushes with it and didn't feel a thing. good ribs protection. the only thing is that the range of motion with the shoulder guards is very limited - so i took them off which is an option