Startseite Motorrad Helme & Zubehör Integral Nexx X.WST 2 Carbon Zero 2 Helm Bewertungen

Kundenbewertungen zu Nexx X.WST 2 Carbon Zero 2 Helm

Nexx X.WST 2 Carbon Zero 2 Helm
  • 449,99 €
    310,00 €
    Sie sparen 20 %
    • Karbonfaserschale
    • Klares Visier aus Lexan mit Anti-Beschlag-Position und Super Lock
    • Pinlock vorbereitet

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Anzahl der Bewertungen: 7
Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4,1
3 English 1 Suomi 1 中国 2 日本の alle
Erittäin vaikea kypärä löytää euroopasta.
Onneksi täältä löytyi ja kypärä oli etsinnän arvoinen.
Look good from far...
Its looks great, the colors the shape but the the front the nexx logo just glued there i barely touched but it almost came off. The outside mouth piece thing cheap plastic same thing as with logo. Some places the paint came off to. The paint isn't also so quality. I like the helmet but not for this price.
Great helmet - runs slim
Love this helmet. Of course looks cool but also like the weight and feel. The face shield works well in both high and low light.

Note - this design runs “long and slim”, so go up a size or two in the cheek pads. I’usually wear a large or XL and I had to find XXL cheek pads. They’ll of course break in over time but the first several rides will be tighter than you’re used to. You can also pull the cheek pads out and place a heavy object (I used big books) on them overnight to squish them down a bit.
Light and comfortable to wear


Love It - Runs Small
Would have given this helmet five stars if it didn't run small. Definitely not true to traditional helmet size so just know that when you order. My other helmets (Arai, Shoei, Ls2) are all XL and I had insert XXL cheek pads (only, the top liner is fine) then crush the pads a bit for it to fit me properly.

Otherwise, totally badass. Light weight, looks awesome, face shield good in high and low light. Love it!