Startseite Marken R Revit Herren Textiljacken Revit Sand 3 Textiljacke Bewertungen

Kundenbewertungen zu Revit Sand 3 Textiljacke

Revit Sand 3 Textiljacke
  • 449,99 €
    382,50 €
    Sie sparen 15 %
  • Die Vorgängerin der Sand 3 hat große Spuren hinterlassen. Doch wir können mit Stolz sagen, dass die neue Sand diese Spuren mit Leichtigkeit ausfüllt. Wir haben ihren praktischen Nutzen auf ein höheres Niveau gehoben, damit ist die Sand 3 praktisch das Schweizer Taschenmesser unter den Jacken.

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Anzahl der Bewertungen: 40
Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4,7
5 Deutsch 13 English 1 Français 8 Español 2 Русский язык 3 中国 7 日本の 1 한국의 alle
Great fit. Excellent quality.
Good price.
Sırt koruması gönderilmedi en azından hediye olarak bişey gelmeliydi
Günlük kullanamıyorum sadece Seyehat ederken deneyeceğim.
Práctica y de buena calidad
La chamarra es muy cómoda, super práctica y cumple con todas mis expectativas. La calidad y diseño es muy alta.
As good as expected!
● 블랙프라이데이 세일 기간에 구매하였고, 17일 만에 배송되었습니다. 기대했던대로 품질, 포장 상태 등 나무랄데 없이 좋았습니다.
● L싸이즈를 주문했는데 역시나 한국 싸이즈로는 110정도로 여겨집니다. 저는 180cm, 82kg 정도이고, 일상복은 105를 입습니다. 겨울 씨즌에 입기위해서 주문하였고, 기존의 얇은 보온 내피를 빼고 길이가 짧은 오리털 파카를 안에 넣고 입을 계획이라 주문했습니다. 팔 길이는 역시나 좀 깁니다만... 입을만 합니다.
● 고어텍스가 아니라서 영하의 날씨는 조금 무리일 수 있지만(어차피 영하의 날씨는 뭘 입어도 춥지만) 그렇지만 않다면 더없이 적당한 자켓이 될 수 있으리라 여겨집니다.
● 특히 허리 조절 기능과 팔의 상박과 하박의 조절 끈은 주행 중에 펄럭이지 않도록 몸에 딱 맞게 조절이 됩니다.
Eine der Besten! Sehr funktionell, gut durchdacht und robust.
de los mejores que conozco
Muy buena. Sobre todo la atención de FC.
Very good, I’m happy
Quality is very good, sizing is also ok. Feels good to ride without all the inner liners, but I have yet to ride in cold, wet weather but I feel it will be ok.
Compared to one of the other leading brands (at double the price) this jacket is the same if not better quality.
매우 좋아요~^^
키 182, 몸무게 78 인 저에게 약간 넉넉히 잘 맞습니다. 방풍내피와 방한내피 포함입니다. 품질도 매우 우수합니다. 국내가격보다 훨씬 싸게 잘 샀습니다.
Sehr gut verarbeitete Jacke
Die Jacke ist wirklich sehr gut verarbeitet, allerdings ist sie mir persönlich zu kurz geraten. Dafür ist sie recht weit geraten und in der Gesamtsumme ergibt sich daraus ein für mich nicht optimaler Sitz. Das mag vielleicht meiner Figur geschuldet sein, weswegen es nicht in meine Bewertung einfließt.
super (mit kleinen Einschränkungen)
Ich fahre diese Kombi jetzt 2500 Km. Ich bin 187 cm, 76 Kg und schlank. Größe M passt perfekt. Die Jacke ist schlank geschnitten, trägt sich aber sehr bequem. Man fühlt sich sofort wohl.
Sehr gute Protektoren. (Rückenprotektor muss extra gekauft werden)
Wenn man kein Halstuch trägt, drückt der Kragen vorne am Hals etwas. Egal wie weit man ihn stellt.
Brustbelüftung ist ok, die an den Armen richtig gut.
Alles in Allem eine sehr gute Wahl, wenn man mit kleinen Abstrichen leben kann.
Отлинчная куртка!
Два подклада: Влагостойкий и теплая желетка!
Качество на высоте! В +10 не холодно. С кофтой до +5.
В +25 без подкладок не жарко. Это все в условиях эксплуатации вне города.
Мой размер М, заказывал L. Подошел идеально по плечам и в груди. Остальное регулируется!
Полностью доволен!
Very good product, fantastic shopping experience. Great!
Very good product, fantastic shopping experience. Great!
Excellent and value for money
A very sorted riding jacket especially if you are an off-road or enduro rider. The material is great and wearing is comfortable. The inner liners are also a neat fit. Just 2 issues:
1. They do not supply any back protectors as part of the Jacket Purchase. And this fact is not detailed well in the product description. At least a basic level back protection should e included.
2. The rain liners need to be worn inside the jacket which is a pain especially when you encounter rain on a otherwise tropically godly day. You need to rush for cover so that you can take off the jacket and put the rain liner inside.
Super funktionelle Jacke, aber
Habe mir Jacke, Hose und Handschuhe in XL, Hose in langer Ausführung ( 190cm groß, 92 kg ). Hose und Handschuhe passen perfekt. Jacke fällt dagegen zu klein aus. Alte Jacke in XL passt, die Sand 3 ist insgesamt so eng, dass man keinen Pulli unterziehen mag. Warte nach Retour nun auf eine Tauschjacke in XXL.
Great jacket
This is a great jacket. Been using it all winter and I'm very happy with it. Although it could be a bit warmer. A thin sweater is needed to keep you nice and toasty.
Very good product, very satisfied.
Very good product, very satisfied.
Very good product, very satisfied.
Very good product, very satisfied.
just great jacket!
it's my second Revit jacket and i love it more and more.
highly recommended!
Very good and the blue is fantastic!
It's my first Rev'it jacket and i like it very much. I bought the blue version and believe me: it's more beautiful live than on photos!

There's some things that i think should be better:

-The outer pockets are too big and narrow. If you keep there your keys, it will no be too easy to catch them. If you don't take your gloves, well, take them out...

-The sleeves from the the thermal layer should be a little smaller. Didn't tried the waterproof layer yet but probably is the same.

-The protections on the sleeves seem to be a little difficult to place after we take them out.

Well, the truth is that, in my opinion, the perfect jacket doesn't exist.
The Sand 3, can have these particularities which i'm not a big fan but i bought it, i like it, and i would buy it again!
*키 175cm, 몸무게 107kg, 한국사이즈 115(XXXL)를 입는 체형으로 구입은 XXL를 구매했습니다

보온내피, 방수내피 체결한상태에서, 겨울티셔츠를 1개를 입고 자켓을 입어본 결과 딱 맞습니다. 내부에 열선자켓을 추가로 입었을 경우 움직이기 불편할 수 있는 크기입니다.
옷의 팔길이는 제 키가 작다보니 10CM정도 긴편이네요

* 2020.10.31일 자켓의 방수내피를 제거 후 보온내피만 체결후 주행해본결과 오후에는 약간더워서 자켓의 앞뒤 벤틸레이션 지퍼를 열고 주행하니 시원했었고, 벤틸에이션 지퍼를 닫고 저녁시간 8시경 11℃에 장시간 주행해본결과 많이춥다

* 2020.11.07일 자켓의 방수내피, 보온내피를 체결후 주행해본결과 주행전에는 덮고, 장시간 주행중에는 약간 쌀쌀했는데 그 이유가 자켓의 지퍼사이로 바람이 들어오는것 같네요
지퍼를 덮을수 있는 커버가 필요할 듯 하네요
구매에 참고하세요

자켓만으로 겨울주행은 어려울것 같아서 열선자켓을 주문했네요
Heavy, designed for fat douchebags.
I bought this jacked based on many positive reviews online. Well... now I believe that good portion of those reviews are paid or have been written by people who do not really ride a lot. Maybe just occasionally, therefore they do not know what is a good jacket and good riding experience in general.

By the way I race hare scrambles, hard enduro for last 5 years now, have been riding motorcycles for over 20 years... so I feel that I have enough experience to give a proper review for this. I am 33 years old, 190cm, 98 kg normal build. Not to athletic, not to fat.

First of all it's incredibly heavy! Damn it's heavy! So if you are planning on going around the world with this jacket - forget about it! Every gram of weight that is on your body makes a huge difference when it comes to long adventure riding. It's the heaviest jacket I ever tried! Vary bad!

Sizing - internet craves that it's european fit... that is it should be narrow at waist line... But this jacket wants me to have huge bear belly and slim arms, then it would work great! Well... yes... as I said earlier... if you only ride 5 times a year and the rest of your free time you spend at a bar drinking bear, then you would probably look really sexy in this jacket when you are out there to show off how much of an adventure rider you are...

Putting neck lock in a most tight position still leaves my neck not completely closed, looks like I should have fatty neck, then it would work great!

When you take off all inner layers you expect it to have some natural breathability through the fabric. Well... forget about it as well, that fabric is so thick and tight, no air can pass through it. You are only left with these zippers, to get some air under it. So you start sweating almost immediately when you put it on, just because it feels like you are wrapped in to a cellophane.
Excelnte chamarra
Ya tengo un rato con esta chamarra y hasta ahora la experiencia ha sido excelente, además a un muy buen precio.
Good product with many features
Versatile. Suitable for cold and warm weather.
Незаменимы для дальних поездок, но и в городе удобна. Проехал 5000 + км при Т от +5 до +45 С. Достаточная вентиляция до 35 С, если больше то лучше с закрытыми молниями. Если прохладно то достаточно закрыть молнии вентиляции. Подклад не промокает, но верх набирает много воды. В целом куртка очень удобная.
Ansich top nur die Größe S für mich nicht nachvollziehbar
Ein top Produkt. Sieht sehr gut aus und ist durchdacht. Wirkt absolut robust. Leider ging die Jacke dennoch zurück. Für gewöhnlich passt mir Größe S. Bin schlank und 168 cm. Die Javke passte ansich, jedoch waren mir die Ärmel VIEL zu lang. Ich glaube nicht, dass ich besonders kurze Arme habe, da ich sonst dieses Problem nicht habe. Aber der Ärmelsaum ging mir komplett über die Fingerspitzen hinaus.
Great fit. Compared to others top brands (at double the price) this jacket is the same or better quality. Excellent quality...
La chaqueta es una pasada, robusta muy calida cuando hace frío y lluvia. Yo estoy encantado.

身長174cm 体重64kgでウェア、パンツ共にMサイズで少し大きいかなって感じです。
Fine jacket with few points to improve

I did look around for a summer jacket with lots of ventilation but still able to convert into a touring jacket for worse conditions.

+ good materials and zippers
+ lot´s of ventilation
+ back pocket can carry the waterproof inner
+ not much velcros
+ good design
+ long sleeves
+ waterproof inner jacket seems to be durable, not just a foiljacket

- stiff materials shifts the jacket up in the front when you sit on the bike- I hope this becomes better overtime. Especially, if the front pockets have mobile, purse etc loaded, the collar is getting uncomfortable
- no waterproof pocket at all, it would be great to have at least one for the wallet and/or mobile
- collar corners should be round to avoid that it hooks into helmet when I turn the head. (My helmet lock catches the corners)
- no back protector, it is optional

I compared the jacket with many others, quality, handling of the zippers and ventilation made me to chose it over many others.
Some had "better" pockets a more comfortable collar but other features I did not like.
a prima face , excelente
Todavía no he podido sacarlo a las rutas , espero satisfaga mis expectativas, el mismo a llegado en un tiempo consideradamente bueno, esperemos de el resultado esperado, saludos martín
muy buen producto
todavía no lo he sacado a la ruta, pero veo que tiene una buena confección, espero no me defraude, proximamente lo estaré probando a pleno, saludos
身長171cm 体重57kg

身長171 体重58