Startseite Marken R Rukka Handschuhe Rukka Rytmi Motorradhandschuhe Bewertungen

Kundenbewertungen zu Rukka Rytmi Motorradhandschuhe

Rukka Rytmi Motorradhandschuhe
  • 149,95 €
    84,95 €
    Sie sparen 43 %
    • Leichtgewichtige Lederhandschuhe
    • Knöchelschutz
    • An Daumen- und Zeigefingerspitzen Material zur Bedienung von Touchscreens


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Anzahl der Bewertungen: 11
Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4,5
3 Deutsch 6 English alle
Einfach nur gut und sehr angenehmer Tragekomfort.
Poor Fit
I had to wait for these to come in stock. I used the Rukka sizing guide and chose the 9. Poor fit for me, too big and the thumb is really wide.
ausgesprochen gute Qualität
ein sehr leichter und gut sitzender Handschuh. Das Leder hat eine sehr gute Qualität. Bin sehr zufrieden.
very good, tho I have stubby fingers and they dont reach the end of the glove, any smaller and I wouldnt get them on
nice and comfy, very forgiving and easy to wear
Top Lederhandschuh
Sehr bequem und tolle Passform. Der Ideale Handschuh, für die nicht ganz so heissen Tage.
Comfortable and well made. Padding in the palm is what my other summer gloves were missing.
Excellent spring / summer gloves.
Touring at the moment with these gloves. Very comfortable. Good padding on the palm's and good protection. Allow's excellent feel of control's so not to bulky. I take a size 9 in gloves, bought these off the internet (alway's a gamble), but they a glove. Very pleased.
Feels like a quality made product, and looks good.
Will be for summer use.
Fast delivery.
Comfortable, great for Summer riding and good protection
The gloves are lightweight, but provide a reassured level of protection to your hands, they are, like all Rukka items, well made.

The added benefit of being able to access a touch screen very convenient. No more taking off your glove every time you need to react to something on the phone.

Any bad points - I wish the thumb was a little longer
Comfortable, great for Summer riding and good protection
The gloves are lightweight, but provide a reassured level of protection to your hands, they are, like all Rukka items, well made.

The added benefit of being able to access a touch screen very convenient. No more taking off your glove every time you need to react to something on the phone.

Any bad points - I wish the thumb was a little longer