Startseite Marken S Spidi Textilbekleidung Textilhosen Spidi Hurricane Motorrad Textilhose Bewertungen

Kundenbewertungen zu Spidi Hurricane Motorrad Textilhose

Spidi Hurricane Motorrad Textilhose

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Anzahl der Bewertungen: 5
Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4
2 English 1 Italiano alle
Ottimo prodotto
Essendo già il secondo paio, non posso che dire essere un ottimo prodotto.
Anche in rapporto al costo.
L'unica appunto da fare è che se ci si trova in viaggio e si è costretti ad installare la membrana h2out, occorre togliere i.pantaloni.
The pants are very good and comfortable and the size is right
Protectors for water.
One problem with the belt tensioner, with the closure of the scotch, the upper part of the leg is shrinking and falling under the belt. Uncomfortable.
Very good
Spidi pant is perfect ,its better to buy one size up .
Safe Stylish Waterproof
I ordered the Medium Size I have a 34 Inch Waist and i have approx 33 Inch Inside leg. These Pants fit perfectly all around. They are very comfortable. I do sometimes wear them over Chinos (without the waterproof under piece) and they can fit no problem. It can be slightly tight on waist with Chinos underneath but it can work if i need to change at destination. On their own they are perfect with the waterproof under part they are also perfect. I tested them in really extreme rain within a few days of receiving them and they worked perfectly. They eliminated any wetness underneath and i felt warm and dry when finished ride which was a number of hours driving in rain that was very heavy. My gloves did not work so well, but these pants had no problems would recommend. Protection level is comfortable and i have not needed or tested it so far (thankfully) would buy these again if needed.
Schöne Hose, leider zu eng geschnitten!