Startseite Motorrad Bekleidung Jacken Leder Merlin Miller Motorrad Lederjacke Bewertungen

Kundenbewertungen zu Merlin Miller Motorrad Lederjacke

Merlin Miller Motorrad Lederjacke
  • 499,00 €
    349,95 €
    Sie sparen 30 %
    • 1,1-1,2 mm weiches, geschmeidiges Rindsleder
    • TFL UV-reflektierende Behandlung = 70% UV-Rückstrahlung, 25c Temperaturreduzierung
    • Festes Mesh-Futter zur Unterstützung der Atmungsaktivität

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Anzahl der Bewertungen: 8
Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4,9
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Great Product. Sizing is weird
I love the look of the jacket. Great quality leather. I'm sure the TFL coating does something for those in the UK or colder climates, In southern US, it's a little warm for summer, but not unbearable.

I was worried about the sizing because I measured myself at 38 chest but ended up getting a 40 because I was worried about the arms and the waist number. 5'11" 195lbs, average build, long arms. The 40 fit perfectly! Actually snug, getting a hoodie under it would be a tight, especially in the arms. If I had gotten the 38 I doubt I'd fit. Arms are just a little short but I can live with that.
Excelente producto
Producto de primera calidad, tacto suave y buenos acabados. Servicio profesional, rapidez en la entrega.
Really nice quality jacket
It's great. The leather is thick and supple, and despite that, the ventilation is so good that it's never hot while on the move. On the other hand, it could feel pretty chilly in a slightly cooler weather, and the liner is sleeveless, so there's that. I found the cuffs to be a bit too bulky, but I'm a small person. It is slightly longer than the most classic "cafe" style jacket, which was exactly what I was looking for, so I'm very happy with it.
I want to add, FC-Moto at first sent me the wrong size by mistake. Because I'm in the US and them in Germany, the return/exchange took quite a long time. However, the way they responded to the issue was golden, they were so helpful that I was very grateful.
Surpassed expectations
Bought this jacket on sale recently and couldn't be happier. I'm 180cm tall, 84kg with a 43-44 inch chest but Bought size 42 (in brown) and it's a perfect fit. Would advise sizing slightly down based on my experience and what I read elsewhere. Even wearing a base layer and the inner liner the size 42 was a perfect fit. Any bigger would definitely have been too big.
The jacket is solid, very substantial without being too heavy. Beautiful material and details, feels absolutely premium. Very comfortable to wear with some ventilation in the upper arms which works well. Will also happily wear it off the bike, very stylish cut and design. Highly recommended and will definitely buy Merlin again.
Supercoole Jacke
:-( in der Beschreibung steht nciht, dass die Jacke in einer Art Nubukleder/Rauleder ist. Sieht gut aus, aber das habe ich mir nicht vorgestellt. Ansonsten alles ok, wertig verarbeitet.
Ich bin 1,80/73kg normal/eher schlank und habe Größe M probiert. Diese ist aber eher großzügig geschnitten, es haben somit noch einige Bierchen Platz. Auch die Oberarme sind eher großzügig geschnitten, Modell Arnold Schwarzenegger. Dagegen fand ich die Ärmel etwas zu kurz.
Alles in allem OK, aber hat nicht perfekt gepasst.
Vielelicht wäre hier Zwischengrößen wie 98 hilfreich, aber wo gibt es schon sowas.....
Selten eine Jacke gehabt die so gut sitzt, so gut aussieht und zugleich auch noch super Schutz bietet.
Ideal für alle Cruiser/CafeRacer/Sonntagsfahrer ???
Richtig gut verarbeitet!
Se han cumplido, ha llegado en tiempo y forma, todo perfecto
El producto es increible
La chamarra es increíble, no dudes en comprarla, la calidad es totalmente premium, incluso diría que supera marcas de mayor posición, esta es una chamarra es más clasica así que es un poco más grande, te sugiero comprar la talla que te recomienda la marca, yo soy L, pero pienso que me pudo quedar la M porque viene un poco grande del pecho.