Startseite Motorrad Stiefel City / Urban Dainese Dinamica Air Motorradschuhe Bewertungen

Kundenbewertungen zu Dainese Dinamica Air Motorradschuhe

Dainese Dinamica Air Motorradschuhe

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Anzahl der Bewertungen: 6
Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4
6 English alle
Very stylish and sturdy
Good quality shoes. I would recommend them.
Not comfortable
The boots are very nice and the material is also excellent but my feet are narrow and the shoes were uncomfortable for me.
Good quality shoes. I would recommend them.
Comfortable bike shoes with good protection
This is a weird one. I've been waiting for months to get those boots because of their awesome looks, but they turned out to be one of the biggest disappointments regarding motorcycle gear.
I'm not sure what kind of feet these are made for, but they're certainly not for human feet. Maybe they are OK in small sizes, but in size 45 they are scaled up in a horrible way -- they're the usual narrow Dainese boots on the toes and heel area, but on the instep part they flare up and they don't support the foot at all. It's like they're made for someone triangular feet. Even more, they even look funny, like penguin feet.
Despite the stellar Dainese quality (and they are truly well made), I had to return them because they didn't inspire any confidence for a boot that's designed for riding - fixed on the sole, but loose on the ankle and instep.
Top notch
Got them a few days ago and been using them in extreme heat conditions (34 to 40 deg C).
Air flow is good, keeps the feet well ventilated.
Armour is great, the shoe is very stiff, but still allows usage all day long. I'm wearing them to work and keep them on all day and it's bearable.
Lots of protection, way more than I expected, especially around the heal .
Putting them on and taking them off is no hassle.
There are more comfortable shoes out there for all day use at the office, but these are OK.