Domestico Moto Caschi & accessori Jet Held Rune Beige nero casco jet Punteggi

Punteggi dei clienti per Held Rune Beige nero casco jet

Held Rune Beige nero casco jet
  • 89,95 €
    76,46 €
    Salva 15 %
    • Ventilazione di fronte
    • Optimal in forma attraverso la produzione di 3 ciotole
    • Vernice trasparente

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* Campi obbligatori
Numero di punteggi: 13
Punteggio medio: 4,5
3 Deutsch 1 English 2 Nederlands 1 Español 1 Dansk tutte
via de computer
this helmet is fantastic and for a nice price.i wear it everyday with a lot of pleasure.chapeau for fc-moto.
Sehr gut
Helm passt gut und sieht super aus
the helmet was purchased because of its size...I do have a large head and so was quite surprised with the quality of the product, the fit was perfect xxxl 64-65 cms I shall be buying further products if the quality is similar
Guter Helm für diesen Preis
Sieht optisch gut aus, Passform gut.
Super Preis.
Fair buy, price considered
The leather cap thingy is/was not included.
Compared to my Shoei Diabolical Revelation, it's not that bigger, but because of more than twice the shell thickness, it looks pretty silly and scooterish.
On the other hand though, It looked pretty cool on my brother, and he has an inch long beard, which offsets the shell thickness.
Muy buen casco,bien acabado que te da el aspecto custom que todos deseamos!
Sehr schöner und sehr gut verarbeiteter Helm.
Die Passform des Helmes ist hervorragend
Die Größenangabe stimmte nicht, Helm zurück geschickt!
Mit zwei Wörtern: Sehr Gut
Super Helm
Sehr angenehm beim Fahren
Alles tip top wie immer
Sehr schöner Helm zum Cruisen, kann ich weiterempfehlen. Preis Leistung top. Ne vernünftige Brille dazu und ab gehts, Daumen hoch
fine product for good price