Domestico Marche H HIGHSIDER HIGHSIDER Tarpaulin, nero, taglia M Punteggi

Punteggi dei clienti per HIGHSIDER Tarpaulin, nero, taglia M

HIGHSIDER Tarpaulin, nero, taglia M
  • 59,95 €
  • Telone di copertura, nero, in fibra high-tech elastica con pile interno, occhiello di chiusura, aperture di ventilazione e protezione dal calore. Impermeabile e resistente ai raggi UV, disponibile in diverse misure.

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* Campi obbligatori
Numero di punteggi: 6
Punteggio medio: 4,8
2 Deutsch 3 English 1 Italiano tutte
Ottimo telo coprimoto
Il telo è ben fatto è un tessuto spesso ed all’interno e felpato vale tutti i soldi spesi
The cover is made of high-quality material, it is light and the package also comes with a hand bag that you can put it in when not in use. I had the previous version for 10 years, I bought this XL size for the new GS1300 engine. The length is just right, but for the top box, buy the boxed version.
Hervorragende Motorradabdeckung
Die wertige Abdeckplane schützt meinen Töff (Triumph Bonneville) hervorragend vor Nässe und Schmutz. Der wichtigste Punkt für mich: Ganz im Gegensatz zur Vorherigen hält sie super und wird vom Wind nicht weggeweht. Klare Kaufempfehlung!
Overall this is an excellent cover. Have been using it for a couple of months now. I got the L size for my CB300R and it fits perfectly. It has holes near the front wheel so my chain can go through those and I am not worried about the wind taking it away. Only niggle I have is that the underneath plastic fastener in the middle is not great but other than that I would recommend this. The shape of the cover fits my bike well. The quality of the material is fantastic and the inner fleece is gentle on the bike.
Looks nice, waiting for the season to try it.
I have not use it yet, but it seems very nice.
Bis jetzt Top
Bis jetzt Top sehr robust, passgenau und Wasser abweisend