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Punteggi dei clienti per Shark Street Drak Occhiali e set di maschere

Shark Street Drak Occhiali e set di maschere

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Numero di punteggi: 7
Punteggio medio: 4,6
1 Deutsch 3 English 1 Italiano 1 Português 1 polski tutte
The mask does not fit snugly at the brow of the helmet it lets the air through to the eyes, not very good or comfortable. It's another expense but I may invest in new straps to see if this will rectify the problem.
bardzo dobry
Sehr sehr zufrieden
Leider noch nicht aussprobiert, werde sicher
Freude daran haben. Werde mich Öffter rumstöbern,
Hat interessante Artikel darunter.
Besten Dank ist zum weiter Empfehlen!!!!!
It would be better if my goggle elastic straps were tight. As I have had my helmet a good while they are worn and slack therefore the goggles are not tight and wind and rain leak through between helmet and the top of the goggles.
High quality
I bought this Shark Street Drak goggles and mask in Orange, even though they look red in the photo,
On receiving the product I am very happy as they are orange and black, and the orange matches my KTL 640 Super Motard plastics colors nicely.
I ordered deliver to Australia, and it took about 4 weeks to be delivered.
valor no site é bom e produto chego no prazo certo, porem imposto no meu pais (brasil) é pessimo.