Startseite Motorrad Helme & Zubehör Klapp Nolan N100-5 Consistency N-Com Helm Bewertungen

Kundenbewertungen zu Nolan N100-5 Consistency N-Com Helm

Nolan N100-5 Consistency N-Com Helm
  • 459,99 €
    368,00 €
    Sie sparen 20 %
    • Visier: Ultra-Wide, aus Lexan, kratzfest beschichtet
    • Sonnenvisier UV 400 Schutz: dunkel getönt, aus Lexan, kratzfest beschichtet, einstellbar in verschiedenen Positionen
    • Clima Comfort Innenausstattung: herausnehmbar und waschbar, abnehmbares Nackenpolster

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Anzahl der Bewertungen: 24
Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4,5
6 Deutsch 10 English 1 Nederlands 2 Español 1 Português 1 Suomi 1 Český 1 Русский язык 1 日本の alle
Verarbeitung, und aussehen sind gut.
Der Helm war gut verarbeitet, und war auch ansonsten ganz gut. Aber leider viel er für mich zu klein aus.
Spitzen Helm, aber...
im Inneren leider sehr zugig im Bereich Augen und Stirn, auch wenn alle Belüftungsklappen geschlossen sind.

Ansonsten passt er perfekt auf meinen Kopf, ist ziemlich leise und nicht allzu schwer.
Der Helm ist sehr laut, sodass ich bei der Probefahrt Kopfschmerzen bekommen habe. Für mich war es klar das ich diesen Helm nicht behalte da er untauglich für mich war.
Sehr gut
Ich trage den Helm seit 4 Tagen und bin voll und ganz zufrieden. Das Blickfeld ist super groß, die Sonnenblende funktioniert einwandfrei. Doch das beste, der Helm ist sehr leise!!! Ich habe bis jetzt einen BMW Klapphelm und den Schubert S2 gefahren doch der Nolan N105 schlägt sie beide um längen
Very Good
Very good quality at the highest level. Comfort and technology the best I have ever seen. I am very satisfied.
Good Helmet!
Very good quality and comfortable.
Bezchybný model. Příště bych určitě zvolil stejnou značku. Jezdím R1150GS s origo plexi, měřím 190 cm, přilba je tichá.
Excelente calidad, todo llegó tal cual mi pedido, me queda perfecto.
Sehr gut
Der Helm sitzt wie er soll, gute Belüftung von oben, es ist mein erster Klapphelm, und bereue es ihn nicht, schon Jahre vorher gekauft zu haben.
almost perfect
the helmet is perfectly processed, the sun visor is adjustable in several positions (improvement over the Nolan n-104). Perfection is lacking only the fact that it is a little heavier. For this price it is a great helmet
Very good
I am very satisfied with the helmet, only after the first rain I have problems, it was wet on the inside side of the windshield. I sent it to Nolan service in my country and I have to pay for the change of visor seal. They didn't take into account the guarantee, because the helmet was bought abroad. What is the procedure for similar cases? Should I sent the helmet to Germany or Italy to repair it. This would take too long and there are extra post costs, I need helmet almost every day.
Everything is ok now, the helmet is perfect, I had only some extra costs.
it's goood
too loud
Fitted nice but it was too loud for me, especially when riding with an open visor. And loud not only for me as a rider but also impossible to use communication system (we use Cardo Packtalk Bold), the other party could not hear a word, just inarticulate wind sound. In search of another, quieter helmet.
Top notch product
So far so good, the fit is a bit different from previous N100 series helmets. Good quality and comfortable.
Excellent fip-up, even better than N104 Evo
Having 3 Nolan flip-ups before, I can clearly see the evolution over the years. N100-5 doesn't dissapoint in this regard - flip-up mechanism is better than on N104EVO, visor mounting mechanism is also better (in fact it is great and very easy to attach/remove visor). FIt of the helmet is 99% the same as with N104Evo, as well as visibility (to me it looks like the visor is almost the same). However ventilation is much improved, especially top intake. I really like this particular design and it looks even nicer in real life. Road noise is a bit lower in N100-5 compared to N104EVO, but no by much.
Konnte noch nicht richtig testen, aber das was ich getestet habe war schon sehr gut.
Seems fine, disappointment from fc-moto
The helmet seems fine. I didn't wear it much so far, so my review is not complete. I like the inside lining as it is really comfortable. The helmet is on the heavy side (XXL size) The flip up mechanics work really nice. I got size XXL, although my head measurement is 59cm(L size). My head shape is round, but unlike other heads is somehow bigger. I chose to buy online because I tested the XL size and it was kind of small for me.

The helmet arrived fast enough (from Germany to Romania - like 5 days, including the weekend), but it was broken. The sun visor wasn't working properly. It was getting jammed. It also got some scratches. Also the main visor had a small dent, but this wasn't necessary a problem (a small point, probably from the mold).
I called the customer service and the guy said just to send it back.
The disappointment comes from the fact I got back the same helmet, repaired, but the same helmet. In my view I paid for a new product and I got a used one, due to the scratches. I will not send it back because I really want to ride my bike and I'm not willing to loose another 2 weeks. Also I don't want to pay for the shipment again.

I ordered previously form fc-moto and I got good products without problems, but this time it was disappointing.
Great helmet
This is my second Nolan helmet I still have my first . It's almost 10 years old so I decided to buy a new one . Really a great helmet alot more wuite and not much buffering with the new one. Shipping was fast had it in less than a week.
Mooie helm.
Helm ziet er mooi uit. Voelt degelijk aan. Wel lijkt er iets meer windgeruis te zijn dan mijn oude Nolan helm.
Pinlock en ingebouwde zonnescherm werkt perfect. Montage van een aftermarket headset gaat goed. Wel is de onderrand te breed voor het monteren van het bedieningspaneeltjr met een klem. Plakken kan wel.
una buena calidad del producto buen servicio
Hyvän tuntuinen kypärä, istuu hyvin päähän.