Domestico Moto Accessori Antifurto / lucchetti ABUS Abus Granit Victory XPlus 68 Roll-Up Blocca disco Punteggi

Punteggi dei clienti per Abus Granit Victory XPlus 68 Roll-Up Blocca disco

Abus Granit Victory XPlus 68 Roll-Up Blocca disco
  • 94,90 €
    80,67 €
    Salva 15 %
    • bullone di bloccaggio in acciaio da 14mm
    • facile da maneggiare grazie ad anello gommato su mezzo ruotato sezione
    • bullone, corpo della serratura e sostenere gli elementi di bloccaggio sono tutti realizzati con staffe in acciaio temprato

    Attualmente non disponibile.

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Numero di punteggi: 5
Punteggio medio: 4,8
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Great product
Although it is not available in FC-Moto now, I recommend to buy the "Abus Granit Victory X-Plus Disc Lock" together with "ABUS SH 68/69 Granit Victory/Extreme Mounting Bracket" as this is 100% the best way how to bring the lock with you. The Lock comes with a small case which can be attached to bike, and you can put the Lock there, but this is not a user-friendly and long-term solution.
Looks like I've put my bike in the safe
Not many conventional breaking tools will be able to destroy this lock without damaging the bike.

Key has a small LED for use in dark(and just a normal key)
High visible reminder cable
Excellent disc lock
Been using this for 3 months now its really easy to store in my Z300 (yes even in that tiny compartment it still fits).
Its really easy to put on the disk even when the whole thing spins on its own which I assume will be very annoying for the thieves to brake\cut through which is what I love about this lock that its unique in that way.
The key comes with a small LED that you can flash when using it in the dark, also there's a spare key with a code card if you happen to lose it and need a replacement done.
Can't say anything bad about it at all, the price to excellent, still in excellent condition it doesn't have any rusting or spinning problems as its already heavily lubed inside.
Just buy it, you wont regret it one bit I strongly recommend this disk lock.
Das Abus Bremsscheibenschloss ist qualitativ hochwertig hergestellt. Es ist ohne Probleme direkt vorne oder auch hinten an der jeweiligen Bremsscheibe zu befestigen.
Хороший увесестый замок, с сумочкой для перевозки и хранения, удобно крепится на липучки на мот. Очень доволен