Domestico Moto Abbigliamento donna Stivali Dainese Nexus 2 Stivali Moto Donna Punteggi

Punteggi dei clienti per Dainese Nexus 2 Stivali Moto Donna

Dainese Nexus 2 Stivali Moto Donna
  • 289,95 €
    da 149,95 €
    Salva 20 %
    • con protezione interruttore
    • Inserti in TPU ad alte prestazioni
    • Suola in gomma dal design differenziato

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* Campi obbligatori
Numero di punteggi: 6
Punteggio medio: 3,8
3 Deutsch 2 English 1 中国 tutte
Good quality.I like it.
Qualität gut, Größe nein
Leider bekommt man den Schuh mit einer kombi nicht an, er ist so schmal geschnitten da muss man Scheinbar Ultra dünn für sein, nicht mal ohne Kombi geht er normal zu
Absolutely in love with these boots! They are true to size and I love that they adjust in the back to hug my calves more. I have very skinny legs and I found it hard to find boots that didn't make me look like a pole sticking out of them. They look just like the picture and are very comfortable. Only reason I didn't give a full 5 stars is because they do seem to squish your ankles a bit even while just sitting and I have a slim/narrow foot. However, I figure they'll loosen up once I break them in more. I wore them for a few hours the first time I was able to ride with them and I don't feel like these are boots to wear past 3 hours. Especially, if you're sitting still. I road to class and by the end of it I couldn't wait to get them off. It wasn't really painful just very uncomfortable. if you wear these to work or school, I would suggest bringing an extra pair of shoes. They do squeak when walking and sounds like plastic moving around.

The customer service with this company was on point! When I ordered these the first time I accidentally put the wrong address in. I panicked and immediately contacted them through email and they were able to help me out within a few hours of the email being sent. There was no hassle and they were very understanding with the situation. They were able to cancel that order which allowed me to place another one. However, I may have been lucky because my order had not been shipped out yet. I Highly recommend these boots and purchasing from this company.
Zu eng
Ich habe ein dainese kombi (killalane) und die stiefel (auch dainese) lassen sich LEIDER NICHT SCHLIESSEN über dem kombi. Bin ein wenig entäuscht :(
Die qualität der stiefel ist jedoch super!
Immer MIT dem kombi probieren Leute ;)
Great! Very comfortable
Ich bin mit mit den Dainese Stiefel sehr zufrieden.
Die Dainese stiefel passt perfekt Größe angabe 1 zu 1.
Preis top.