Domestico Moto Stivali Calzini Revit Charger Calzini Punteggi

Punteggi dei clienti per Revit Charger Calzini

Revit Charger Calzini
  • £15,99
    • area ammortizzata alla caviglia, alla suola del piede, al tallone e alle dita dei piedi
    • offre comfort e protezione
    • costruzione a maglia rotonda (meno cuciture significano maggiore comfort, supporto e raffreddamento in luoghi in cui le cuciture tradizionali potrebbero creare inutili sfregamento o disagio)

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* Campi obbligatori
Numero di punteggi: 11
Punteggio medio: 4,5
4 Deutsch 5 English 2 Русский язык tutte
Very good product
Well made socks. They are very comfortable. The product picture is a bit misleading. The socks are actually lower than in the picture.
Not long enough
The product is very good but its not long enough if you were long touring boots.
Tolle Socken
Guter Tragekomfort und wirklich angenehm im Mororradstiefel.
Very good socks. Soft and comfort.
Great quality but short!
Be careful! These are unusable with regular long touring boots! Picture is not correct. Don't buy this for touring in long boots such as Forma Sahara. Otherwise they are very well made, very thin on the top for easy ventilation. I love these for shorter boots though. I gave it 3 stars simply because its a great product but I have to buy other socks for touring.
отличные носки
купил сразу 2 пары, чтобы ездить в ботинках Forma Ice Flow.
в +30 нога чувствует себя комфортно
Sitzen sehr gut und fühlen sich gut an.
Super Socken zu genialem Preis
На вид хорошего качества. Средней длины. Производство Италия. Пока не пользовался.
Short but nice socks for daily use
Bequem, laufen aber ein
Die Socken halten was sie versprechen: Sie sind bequem und helfen die Wärme und den Schweiß abzuleiten.

Leider sind die Socken jedoch etwas eingelaufen (30 Grad Schonwaschgang mit Funtionswaschmittel). Dadurch sind sie nun eher 43 - 45 und nicht mehr bis 47 zu empfehlen.